Category Archives: Newborns
I can’t tell if this sweet newborn baby girl looooves being outside on a gorgeous evening or if she is just simply too happy to be here on earth! Either way, her smile melts my heart and makes for some adorable newborn portraits. Thank you for modeling this new location for me… and giving mom some […]
What a good-looking baby, huh?!?! Little Winslow was born two days after his poor mama turned 41 weeks… he took his time getting ready for his grand entrance and in his mom’s own words was “late to his own party!” Pure perfection right here… that little face. And his session was a dream. Love the […]
What a sweet sneak peek for this family! It’s quite intentional actually to share all the sibling shots we got as I want to put mom at ease and assure her we got some adorable images of the two of them. Of course, given the nature of a not-quite-two-year-old, most of these moments were just that- […]