Back in June I had the MOST wonderful session and felt truly blessed to have met Tremaine and her family. It really is true that God will provide us the inspiration we need when we need it the most; a reminder to keep pushing towards your dreams even when feelings of discouragement are overwhelming. This session took me right to where I needed to be; behind the camera and with amazing people, capturing amazing moments and the love among a family. I loved every moment with them, doing what I love to do. The first half of our session was at their alma-mater (NCCU) and the second was in downtown Durham. I am so grateful Tremaine pushed for the downtown portion of our session as we were racing against the sun setting because I think I about fell over when I saw how incredibly styled they were when they hopped out of their car (complete with peacock earrings and a fedora!!) and felt like I should be paying THEM to model for me, ha!
Thank you Tremaine and Brandon for working with me to create such a fun and easy-going vibe throughout our time together. Your energy is SO great that it emanates through these photos… Congratulations again on the engagement, I’m so happy for you and wish you all the years of happiness you can imagine.

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