I know this isn’t exactly photography-related, but PlanetBox bento box lunches are kind of rocking our world these days with a new kindergartener and I’ve been dying to share some of our recent creations. We’ll see how long my motivation lasts seeing that we’re just getting started into a long year, but right now I can’t imagine an easier or more inspiring way of packing her lunch each morning. First, you need to know who I am as a mother. I am not “that mom,” the over-achiever, super organized, creative, on-top-of ANYTHING type. I make simple meals and scramble to do even that. My house is a mess, perpetually. Laundry is my arch nemesis. My kids are often those without a gift at the birthday party because we forgot it at home, are the only ones not dressed up in the “theme of the day” at preschool, and might be wearing mismatched socks because we couldn’t find a clean pair. Hey, we try our best.
That all being said, packing lunches for school is one area of mamahood I’m thriving at the moment. I give all the credit to the bento box concept because it makes the job EASY. It’s not a chore, it’s fun. And my daughter helps. We love seeing how colorful we can make them, and oh my goodness, the fun accessories that are out there to keep you going… my favorite page for those is HERE and I have just begun my wish list. Plus, it encourages healthy eating. Some days are more effortful than others, and that’s perfectly fine.
I will continue sharing our photos because, just like my photography, they’re little pieces of art to me:) Clearly, there are plenty of other sources out there to get ideas and inspiration, and I encourage you to seek them out and see what moms are doing out there! I’ll share one last photo of the bento lunch box I have chosen for my son, who just turned 3. It’s called the Yumbox and it’s perfect for toddlers and younger children. It’s smaller and weighs significantly less than stainless steel which is my only complaint of the PlanetBox. It is plastic, but leak-proof and free from all worrisome chemicals (BPA, phalates, etc). Totally food friendly, including wet foods such as yogurt and applesauce. He’s only gone to preschool once so far, so I only have one pic for you 🙂
Have fun, and happy back-to-school time for those with school age children!
You still out-do me by leaps and bounds. 7yrs in and still trying to get it right on this lunch thing. Have tried the Bento method and all, but somehow still not hitting the mark fully with my boys. I keep trying…think they will still let me do this when they hit high school? Might take me that long to get it right! xo 🙂