I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you all to the handsome, and most perfect, little Hudson Thomas Everett. God’s most miraculous gift, for sure. He is too gorgeous for words….
This little guy was my fourth newborn of the week, and by his session I was starting to feel some confidence in my workflow. I have really grown in my ability to pose these little ones since my Keri Meyers workshop last fall, but today was the day I felt like I had mastered the “taco pose” above. It has been the toughest for me to achieve by far, but am so thrilled that this is the little face I get to proudly show off! I had to throw a hat on made by the talented Heather Bell Hats (and other things) so that I have a picture with my logo colors, PERFECT for a business card if I ever get them made.
Newborns are unpredictable and you never really know what you’re gonna get when you show up… this particular morning was a very grey and gloomy one. We definitely had to take time-outs while the storm made the room we were working in so dark I wasn’t comfortable with the settings required on the camera (without a tripod or an extremely high ISO). At one point, we simply moved him directly in front of the window to capture this cuteness (blanket was made by a special family member!):
Some more of my favorites from his session….
Smile! 🙂 My blog posts are not always presented before the full gallery, but in this case, it is serving as a bit of a sneak peak so I hope you’ve enjoyed, L Family! Congratulations again.